Why I created a blog

Its been many years since I first created this blog. It has remained true to Essbase and related information over those years. Hopefully it has answered questions and given you insight over those years. I will continue to provide my observations and comments on the ever changing world of EPM. Don't be surprised if the scope of the blog changes and brings in other Hyperion topics.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


As you have seen, the first entries in my blog have been a three part series on report scripts. This was initiated by a comment in Edward Roske and Tracy McMullen’s (Best co-author ever according to Ed) book “Look smarter than you are with Essbase”. In the book, and I really paraphrase, they said, “Report scripts are useless”. I had to prove them wrong!

I don’t know if I succeeded or not, but I had fun trying. It was actually much more work than I though it would be since I’m not a writer. Doing these types of articles takes a lot more work than I thought it would… God why did I ever start a blog? Because of this and because I’m swamped at clients, I’m going to take a different approach for the next few entries. I’m going to give short comments of things I’ve had problems with or found or tidbits of old obscure knowledge. As I have time, I’ll create more articles. If you have any requests for topics, please let me know.

The other day I ran into a problem that I never expected. I built a partition and every time I saved it, it showed as orphaned. Interestingly enough, it still worked, don’t know why, but it did. After trying different things to fix it, different ID, using MaxL to define it, trying it on different cubes, simplifying it, etc, I had to go to support for an answer. They gave an answer that I didn’t expect. I had to change the Essbase server names from friendly network names to the IP addresses. Seems it had problems understanding the friendly name. While I don’t like this because the client I was working with “swings” servers and the friendly name switches to a new IP, it did fix my problem. When they swing, there is now an additional need to change the partition, where the friendly name would follow directly.

Talking about partitions, I’ve had questions about mapping a single member to different members in between a source and target cube. The instance was the same accounts for an entity needed to be mapped to different accounts than the same accounts for a different entity. For a visual
For Entity 1 here is the mapping:
Revenue is mapped to internal revenue (But not the IRS)
Sales is mapped to Internal Sales
Expenses is mapped to “Total Expenses”

For Entity 2
Revenue is mapped to Revenue
Sales is mapped to Sales
Expenses is mapped to “Total Expenses”

They way to do this is to is to have two areas each with their mappings specific to their area. In general a snippet of the partition definition in Maxl would look like:

Create or replace partition ……..
Area “Entity 1”, “Revenue”, ”Sales”, “Expenses” SourceArea1
Area “Entity 2” ”, “Revenue”, ”Sales”, “Expenses” SourceArea2
Area “Entity 1”, “Internal Revenue”, “Internal Sales”, “Total Expenses” TargetArea1
Area “Entity 2”, “Revenue”, “Sales”, “Total Expenses” TargetArea2
Mapped TargetArea1 (“Revenue”) to (“Internal Revenue”)
Mapped TargetArea1 (“Sales”) to (“Internal Sales”)
Mapped Globally (“Expenses”) to (“Total Expenses”)
Outline direct

You will notice I can map Expenses globally since it is common between the Areas, but Since the names are different in Area 1 I have to map them individually. Since there are no specific mappings for Area 2 I don’t need to specify anything.

Finally, as I was going through a partition the other day, I was banging my head against the wall for a few minutes. The partition did not appear to work correctly. I had one mapping “Actuals” loaded to “Loaded Actuals”, which was a change as it originally “Loaded Actuals” to Actuals. Turns out, I had to recreate the partition and when I did, I set both the source and target Areas to Actuals. Even though I had the mapping in place, because I did not include the member I really wanted to map to, it was smart enough to find the Actuals member in the target and loaded the data there. I hate being stupid like that, but it’s the little things that will bite you in development. I was looking for big problems and it was a little one.

Wow this was longer than I thought it would be. Once I get started it’s hard to stop!

1 comment:

Gary Crisci, Oracle Ace Director said...

I can't believe you just did a post on this. This past week I have been working on a partition issue with linked partitions where I had the same issue with mapping a single member to multiple members in target. I had to do the same thing with multiple areas and advanced mapping and when I was done I thought this would be a good thing to throw up on my blog. Looks like you beat me to the punch. Nice post, excellent content.