I’m working with a client that is developing an application through Essbase Studio to get Drill-through capabilities, but most of the data will get loaded from ODI. We ran into problems with ODI where if the model was created in Studio, ODI lost the ability to reverse the model. It turns out to be a bug that Oracle is working on for the next release (It turns out this issue also occurs in EIS and ODI). As a work around Oracle suggested the following and it seems to work.
1) search for cpld14.jar in Essbase home
2) then copy the jar file to ODI Home oracledi\drivers folder, if you use an ODI Agent to run the reverse, you'll need to make sure
the jar file is copied over to the Agent's oracledi\drivers folder
3) then restart ODI or ODI Agent
4) retry the Reverse and it should work.
As everyone else in the Hyperion world has been telling you, the deadline for abstracts for Kscope 11 is TOMORROW. If you have not gotten your abstract in, you are running out of time. Who doesn’t want a free pass to the best conference for Hyperion topics? submit now, jsut go to kscope11.com and click on submit abstract.
Finally, another ODTUG piece of business, The ODTUG Board of Directors election ends on November 2nd. Don’t be apathetic, these are the people who set the direction for ODTUG. Let the Hyperion voice be heard and vote. Just go to ODTUG.com and log in.