Why I created a blog

Its been many years since I first created this blog. It has remained true to Essbase and related information over those years. Hopefully it has answered questions and given you insight over those years. I will continue to provide my observations and comments on the ever changing world of EPM. Don't be surprised if the scope of the blog changes and brings in other Hyperion topics.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kaleidoscope is coming too quickly

It's already feburary 16th and Kaleidoscope is less than 4 months away (June 26 -Jul 1, 2010) and I have too many presentations to prepare. I have 4 sessions that I have to create presentations for and one or two more where I show up and make everyone else look more handsome(anyone next to me always looks better. Is that why pretty girls always have an ugly friend to hang with? I know I'll get comments on this. It is meant in fun don't slam me for it).

Anyway my first session (and first session of the conference) is "MDX basics a practical approach". It goes over some of the basics about coding in MDX and then I'll show working examples of coding them and how they work. Then I have a joint presentation sometime with Gary Crisci and Cameron Lackpout on the Best of OTN posts. We share some of the more interesting threads from ONT (and perhaps Network 54). My final two presentations are the last two presentations on Thursday. First and last, I get to open and close the conference. The sessions are "Load rules basics to Advanced" and "Configure it out" which deals with the multitude of configuration settings in the Essbase.cfg file.

I've gotten a good start on all of the presentations, but if there is something special you feel would be something you want to know about or have dealt with and think I should share, please let me know.

As you all know the kaleidoscope conference is the Best conference for Hyperion Technical presentations. It IS your conference, so share your ideas. I know I am speaking to the choir here as most people who read my blog are technical and know the value of the conference, but for those of you how stumble onto my site, I will reapeat what you hear all over. This conference is better than any single training session you can go to. It has more technical content and more knowledgable speakers than ANY other conference I have been to. Even after doing Essbase for about 15 years, I pick up good information in every session I attend. (Even my own, where someone from the audience will tell me something I didn't know) Yes I am talking about you Cameron, and Gary :)

If you read my blog or are on OTN or Network 54, look me up at the conference and say hi. It is nice to put faces with the handles I see on the web.